From 1963 to 1967, Louise Fréchette studies at École normale Ignace-Bourget (now Cégep Bois-de-Boulogne), in order to obtain a Bachelor degree in teaching (B.Sc Péd.). After having taught high school level for a year, in Hauterive (North Shore), she becomes aware that she has an interest in helping people in a one-on-one setting. Therefore, she completes a Bachelor degree in guidance counselling (B.Sc. or.), at Université de Montréal. She graduates in 1971 and is hired as a guidance counsellor at Collège Ahuntsic, Montreal. In her new job, she realizes that she enjoys helping students not only with their career choices but also with the resolution of their personal problems. She thus decides to complete her Master degree in Psychology (M.Ps.) at Université de Montréal, from which she graduates in 1976. Starting in 1978, she works part time as a psychotherapist in private practice, while continuing to work as a guidance counsellor at the college. She will remain working at College Ahuntsic for 25 years, until 1995, when she retires from the college in order to devote herself to a full time practice as a psychotherapist in bioenergetic analysis.